
A very good friend of mine (Cough.. .Maeve… cough)  managed to set me a challenge by accident a few weeks ago to do a drawing every day for a year. Now, knowing both myself and the realities of my schedule (full time teacher as well as having a life) I’ve decided to try and do a drawing a week instead and see how that goes. This page is for the publication of that visual diary – hope you like it – please comment and encourage me to continue!

(All entries are done in A5 Moleskine soft plain notebooks, I’ve bought a set of three in anticipation of great success  *ehem* and got Dan to draw a large decorative ‘1’ on the front to remind myself this is not a one sketchbook project but should easily fill many by this time next year.)

17th March 2013

The planning stage has hit the DIY experimental stage. FUN!

17th march 2013

10th March 2013

Out of town – Sorry!

3rd March 2013

We’ve begun the planning. That should really be enough said to anyone who has already been through planning and organising a wedding. We bought a wedding magazine (and then laughed our asses off at all the ‘current trends’ etc), made a mind map of what WE actually want, made the Excel Sheet of Doom entitled ‘Wedding’ with current average costings to try and work out a budget (ouch) and the gave up and just thought about who we wanted to be there. On the side I’ve been getting excited by dresses and winding up my sister about bridesmaids outfits (its too easy, it would be a crime not to).

Turns out you can’t ‘just get married’ but luckily our taste seems to coincide with each others so no battles at all about anything so we are dealing with the epic nature of what we’ve got into pretty well.

IMAG0965 edit

24th February 2013

I think this speaks for itself 😀  I hope it explains a little why I’ve been a little slow on the updates, celebrating with two families and all our friends has been amazing!


18th February 2013

Ok… so I know that this is a little late BUT you’ll hopefully understand and forgive me as its been a hell of a few days! Another update to come on Sunday with the rest of the weeks news 😀


10th February 2013

After a very long week, a poorly boyfriend and fighting it myself I got some very sad news about a close family friend. Today feels like a day to enjoy what I love and spend time in the company of my nearest and dearest. So here is a tonal drawing for you (the comfort blanket of my artistic endeavors) and I’m sticking this up before going to spend an extraordinary amount of time cooking a roast chicken to enjoy with my (now better) boyfriend.


31st January 2013

I had the weirdest dream last night. I’m not normally a dream sharer but this was FUN. Here is a snap shot of a single part of the whole epic adventure .

8) 31st January 2013

27th January 2013

Inspired by Marissa Lynch (her website is down so here is her book) I’ve been spending a lot of time on my christmas present sewing machine adjusting and creating new clothes out of old. I’ve also been working from some patterns I bought to make a dress adapting it to make a halter top.

sewing illustration, pen and ink

sewing illustration, pen and ink

20th January 2013

Spoiling you this week I know…. here is another diary entry!

We met up with Beth and Will for drinks in Soho and after a personal request for a feature in the diary how could I say no!? Also, when people give you such gold as this how can you not use it?

I love my friends.

pub in soho

pub in soho

19th January 2013

On the 15th January I met up with Maeve (of the challenge fame above) for a meal and catch up. Good times!

visual diary 19th january

12th January 2013

Turns out that you can grow chilli’s on a chilli plant in dec/jan in darkest, coldest England – despite what ALL published theory states. Also, new bag which means thats two little things to brighten up my day. The bag is good because its the perfect size to carry my camera whilst also being quite sturdy leather to protect it and yet it doesn’t scream ‘CAMERA OVER HERE’ like a proper camera bag does.

No Way! Is that at CHILLI on your plant?

No Way! Is that at CHILLI on your plant?

3rd January 2013

I know its a little early but this definitely deserved an update!

Well... i'm happy to say you passed.

Well… i’m happy to say you passed.

1st Jan 2013

wk 2

25th Dec 2012

IMAG0715  25/12/2012

6 thoughts on “Weekly Visual Diary

  1. Hey Ella
    I particulary like the “Happy to say ” illustration. It’s great your motivated to do some of your work whilst teaching. Good luck with sustaining the output.
    Sarah x

  2. Thanks Sarah, Its good to be doing creative stuff that has nothing to do with teaching. And yes, fingers crossed for sustaining the output it’ll be towards the end of term I’ll need a whole load of will power!

  3. Pingback: Weekly Visual Diary Update! « Ella's Weblog

  4. Pingback: Weekly Visual Diary update # 9 « Ella's Weblog

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