
Welcome to my art blog.

Here you can see my painting, drawing, illustration and occasionally I treat you to some photography.

I grew up in Brighton, UK and have been creative all my life culminating in an Illustration Degree where I specialised in Illustrations for children’s fiction. After leaving university I took a slightly different route deciding to work with children and have ended up happily employed as a teacher of Art, Graphic Design and Photography to 11 – 18 year olds.

I have always felt it was important to continue my own practice whilst teaching in order to keep my ideas fresh and my subject knowledge up to date and just keep myself interested. Photography is media I have taken up in the last three years after a gap of (a while) since I completed my own photography Alevel.

I get inspired by anything creative and try not to restrict my experiments to particular media. I find that art, graphic work and photography all inspire each other and usually it is a graphic artist or illustrator who will inspire a photoshoot and subsequent drawing/painting.

Art/Photography Blog

featuring paintings, drawings, experimental photography etc…. updated weekly (at least occasionally more)

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Weekly Visual Diary

an incentive to create – updated each weekend.



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