
The time I now have spare without having to attend the weekly driving lesson I decided to attempt some smoke photography. Not discouraged by the lack of the proper flash I decided to improvise using a desk lamp and the flashlight app on my phone.

In order to counter the lack of a proper flash I had to crank the ISO up to 1600 in order to capture anything so the resulting images are really grainy. In some ways this is quite a good thing as I would not have done this normally and have found a different outcome to what I would have ended up with. I also found that having one hand most of the time (the other directing the light of the phone’s torch) meant that focusing, changing anything and taking the photo with one hand all got a little silly.

Anyway! I put them in photoshop and darkened the background just a little and here are a few of the shots that ‘work’ in an interesting way.

The image with a white background has been inverted in photoshop and I slightly adjusted the hue to darken it (from a pinky colour to purple) and quite like the result – very oil in milk… I’ll be trying this with the shots taken with a lower ISO so that I get rid of the graininess and you can focus on the smooth smoke.Smoke Photography IMG_1024 EDITIMG_1023 EDIT IMG_1023 EDIT INVERT IMG_1081 EDIT Smoke Photography

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